At Monument App, our mission is to drive financial inclusion through technology, leveraging the cumulative efforts of all our subsidiaries. We are committed to onboard 30% of Africa's population who are currently unbanked, empowering them with access to essential financial services. Through innovative solutions and strategic partnerships, we aim to bridge the gap between traditional banking systems and underserved communities, fostering economic empowerment and prosperity across the continent.

a close up of a white wall with wavy lines
a close up of a white wall with wavy lines

By the last quarter of 2026, Monument App envisions achieving our goal of onboarding 30% of Africa's unbanked population. Through our subsidiaries, we will deliver sophisticated financial solutions powered by cutting-edge technology, including blockchain and advanced financial technology. Our vision is to revolutionize the financial landscape of Africa, providing inclusive, secure, and efficient banking services that propel economic growth and transform lives.